Smart Anti-snoring Devices: SnoreCircle vs Smart Nora

May 30, 2022


Snoring is a common problem, affecting up to 90 million adults in the United States alone (source: American Sleep Apnea Association). Many people suffer from snoring, and it's not only disturbing for the person snoring, but it can also disturb the sleep of their partner or family members. Thankfully, there are smart anti-snoring devices available that can help mitigate the problem. In this article, we will compare two of the most popular smart anti-snoring devices: SnoreCircle and Smart Nora.


SnoreCircle is a small and light device that is placed under the pillow to monitor the user's snoring. When it detects snoring, it vibrates, prompting the user to change their sleeping position. The device can also be connected to a smartphone app, allowing users to see their snoring patterns and receive feedback on how to improve their sleep.

Smart Nora

Smart Nora, on the other hand, is a pillow insert that is placed under the pillow. It consists of a microphone that detects snoring, and an air pump that inflates a small pillow that is placed under the user's head. The inflation is designed to gently move the head and prompt the user to change their position without waking them up.


Feature SnoreCircle Smart Nora
Placement Under pillow Under pillow
Snoring detection Vibration Inflation
Compatibility iOS and Android iOS and Android
Battery life 2-3 nights 7 nights
Price $89.99 $299

When it comes to placement, both devices offer similar placement options, and the snoring detection methods are different but achieve the same result.

In terms of compatibility, both devices are compatible with iOS and Android devices. SnoreCircle has a battery life of 2-3 nights, while Smart Nora can be used for up to 7 nights before requiring a recharge.

When it comes to price, there is a significant difference between the two products, with the Smart Nora being significantly more expensive than the SnoreCircle.


Both SnoreCircle and Smart Nora are effective anti-snoring devices that use innovative technology to help reduce snoring. They both have their unique features and benefits, and the choice between the two ultimately comes down to personal preference and budget.


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